Best strategies for a productive lesson plan. Free lesson plan template for teachers included.
Teachers must have a lesson plan template and strategies. Students notice if teachers took time to prepare the class or not, it gives the lesson a framework and an overall shape. A key aspect of effective teaching is a useful lesson plan.
At the end of this article, you will do an effective lesson planning, and download your free copy of our lesson planning template for teachers, just by following some easy steps.
3 aspects you must think about before making a lesson plan template:
It is important to know students’ age, level, interest, and learning style…, to plan the lesson and respond to their needs.Time Frame
The time frame is essential as well because it helps to manage the classroom. Teachers have to take into consideration the session length. Give breaks when it’s necessary and also give enough time for each step of presentation (engage and lead-in). The practice that has to be controlled (worksheet), and production. Teachers have to feed students the words they need to faster the process of the activity and to make sure that the TTT is less than the STT.3
Work Mode
Teachers have to assist students with work mode, either they work eventually, in groups, or pairs, and consider the classroom space.
You should include all the aspects in your lesson plan template to have a detailed and useful lesson planning.
Practical lesson plan template strategies:
- If the teacher wants to take the shape of the lesson, he has to set his goals and objectives in the lesson plan template.
- Teachers have to identify problems that might arise in the lesson, for example, language-related issues. The teacher has to make notes about the new language (vocabulary) and make notes of CCQs. Mention the behavioral problems like using a different style from the target language.
- A well-prepared teacher is the one who constructs lessons through various aspects. Teachers must know their objectives, make a method of instruction, and creatively explore the content.
- Use multiple forms of assessment throughout a lesson.
- Good teachers need to be flexible because sometimes you need to adapt and change according to the circumstances. Flexibility cannot be possible without organizing your ideas, knowing the steps to follow in a lesson (exposure, noticing, understanding, practice, and active use).
- Teachers should have a clear objective of what they want their students to learn.
These are all elements that will make teachers’ class successful.
A productive lesson it doesn’t have to go precisely as the lesson plan indicates, but one in which both students and educators connect harmoniously and learn from each other.