We always compare learning grammar to bad things in our life because students are not enjoying learning it, even though it improves their ability to create their sentences. Teachers have been looking for strategies, structures, and steps to teach grammar in context and make it easy for students to remember the rules and apply them in their speaking and writing skills.
Educators always need Strategies and structures when teaching, especially when something meaningful and challenging to learn as grammar.
Use the 3ps model to teach grammar in context:
Use the PPP (presentation, practice, production) model for teaching grammar in context to facilitate students’ understanding of the grammatical rules.
There are three teaching stages in the PPP model:
Presentation (presentation of the form and the use)
Educators must be able to engage students in a meaningful way (lead-in) to impress them and attract their attention. For example, when your lesson is about adjectives, never start with “today I will teach you adjectives” or “do you know adjectives?” sentences because it will seem boring and not impressive from the beginning of the session. You have to consider teaching grammar in context. You can bring some photographs of different “emojis” describe the mood in each face by using adjectives, which is contextualization. Also, use adjectives in sentences and write them in a different color to draw students’ attention to the form of the item.
Then we come to the practice where the activities should be controlled and timed, for example, to work in pairs on a dialogue model where they will be describing their mood; this will make them use the grammar point in context. It’s also essential to correct their pronunciation mistakes and make them memorize the new adjectives and also the new vocabulary.
By the end, there will be a way to produce their learning through writing and speaking. We can ask them to describe the famous person they know by using adjectives, and so on. It is what we call a free practice where the student can use his existing knowledge and vocabulary. And here, we are also talking about the TTT (teaching talking time) that is supposed to be less than the student talking time.
Use the concept check questions to teach grammar in context.
There is a useful way to explore the grammatical function to students, which is the concept check questions. Teachers have to base them on some critical issues, and they may ask students to guide them and make them understand the function of the form. As an example, to ask them about the time used, is it the past, present, or future. Is the action still happening in the present or will be happening in the future? If we have two actions occurring at the same time, which one is the first? Is the activity short or long?
Example: A is an English teacher at the ALC for 18 years.
The questions that are possible to ask:
When did he start teaching English?
Does he still teach at the ALC?
Will he teach in the future?
Teachers have to keep in mind that teaching grammar in context is one of the most significant aspects that can give students the power to use the target language correctly. They always have to be creative in representing tasks, practice them, and produce them without being annoying or misunderstood.

Imane Fouzi
Copywritier & English teacher
Your description here. Students just beginning their English studies have no idea how they are going to learn or what to expect. It is beneficial to teachers who are teaching Eglish for beginners.